Exploring Seasons: Tree Sensory Puzzle


We are surrounded by the beauty of the changing seasons. With my youngest being only 2 it is a brand new experience for her. We have been fully immersed with the changes by taking nature walks and observing from our windows. We talk about what we see and have collected some nature treasures to bring home and observe further. Of course we have paired our focus with a collection of books as well.

Leaves changing colors and falling is often the most noticeable change and has been what has really stuck with our little one. I created a sensory puzzle to allow her manipulate and change seasons through play. We have referenced some of our seasons books and change the sensory filler as the book progresses.

To create:

I used a recycled cardboard box. One of the sides became the main puzzle. I used the top flaps to cut into strips to outline the tree.

I began by sketching the tree in pencil to have a guide for when I began painting. Then I broke out the paints to paint the tree. I used acrylic paints as I felt they may show up the best on the cardboard.

I let the paint dry completely. Then I used the hot glue gun to glue the strips of cardboard around the tree.

To Prepare

The tree is obviously the center of the play, but we added elements that can be used to mimic the seasonal changes.

Green- dried split peas

Fall leaves

Seeds and nuts- gathered from our nature walks

To Play

The kids have enjoyed playing with the sensory puzzle using the sensory materials. They have added animals to the their play by having birds in the sky, bugs underground and animals in between. We have also paired the play with seasonal books. We have changed the sensory materials as the trees in the books underwent seasonal changes. It has been a fun addition to our play and learning.

Heidisensory play, Science, diyComment