Frog Life Cycle Pond Sensory Play


We have been learning all about the life cycle of a frog. We checked out a Life Cycle of a Frog science kit from our local library and I couldn’t wait to add in this sensory play. We began by reading books and looking closely at the photographs to learn about the transformation frogs go through. The kit included informational cards as well as the figurines (similar figurines can be found here). These have been an ongoing matching and naming activity which has been frequented daily. The frog life cycle sensory play added another way to interact with these materials.

Sensory Tray

To create the sensory tray we began by adding some rocks that were collected from the creek. Then we poured enough water to cover the rocks. We cut a few leaves to resemble lily pads. This turned into scissor practice for little sister (27 months). She cut randomly and then big sister cut the rest of the leaf for some nature glitter to have on hand. Next, I added some coffee grounds left from my morning brew. The coffee added the murky effect which was just what we needed. Lastly, we added the figurines from the science kit.


The play tray was such a hit! We splashed and hopped the frogs around. The rocks were stacked in different formations and the water was scooped and poured. We played hide and seek with the frog figurines while naming the frog within the life cycle. We talked about and identified what came next in the frog’s development. It was such a fun way to learn and play. We ended our play by walking down to the creek to look for frogs. We didn’t see any this time but we are pretty sure that we heard a few splash in the water ahead of us.

Life Cycle of a Frog pin.png