Taste-Safe Beach Sensory Play
Taste-safe beach sensory play
Welcome to our sensory play beach that is safe for all. This activity can be used to introduce little ones to small world and sensory play or to delight older children just the same. The best part is it’s safe for littles to explore.
Our little one has gotten better about putting everything in her mouth but I still have to be very purposeful in what materials are used. As I’m sure everyone knows, when a toddler gets an idea they can be quick! It is better to be a step ahead of them rather than a step behind.
To Create:
The sand was created using cereal (Cheerios that were left open in this case). I placed them in a food processor to blend them up. I added the sand to our play tray first. The water was created using tap water, a little cornstarch for a cloudy look, and blue food coloring. I didn’t measure these out but added a little at a time until I was happy with the way it looked. I slowly poured this into the other side of our play tray. Then I added some of our Safari Toob ocean animals.
All of my kids (22 months, 7 years, and 9 years old) had a blast playing with this sensory tray. Even our cat took an interest (and a lick or two). The older two modeled vocabulary of the animals and what they would do in the ocean. The youngest marveled in sensory play with the big kids.
One of the very first sensory bins I created for our little one was edible sand with basic sensory tools. Check out those details here. A perfect pairing for this activity would be the newest edition to our animal resource cards. These resources are available on our Etsy page or can be downloaded for free here.
Any other ideas for using the taste-safe sand? Leave a comment below with how you plan to use it.