Build a Flower Felt Play


Flower felt play

Fun with felt no matter the season.


Spring has sprung and we couldn’t be more excited! Seeing the landscape turning green, buds on trees and flowers emerging is such a refreshing and exciting time. We have been taking a close look at all of the signs of spring. Flowers, particularly dandelions, have been such a highlight for Charlotte (22 months) this past week as they all seem to have popped at once. 

To go along with her interest, I whipped up some felt flower pieces for her felt board. I wanted to expose her to flower vocabulary beyond just the flower itself. I cut green strips for the stems, different shaped leaves, and designed flowers with petals of varying shapes and colors. I pieced together the flower tops by sewing them. You could easily use a solid colored flower instead. I have also glued felt pieces together before. The glued pieces held up in a classroom of preschoolers so I’d say they were just as durable. 

As we build our flowers we can talk about the flower parts. With her age, I stuck to the basic parts we clearly see. As we learn more, I hope to expand our flower pieces. I have also rotated some books to feature flowers so we can read about them as well. 

I began felting a set of bees to use for loose parts and to add to play as they relate. Even though my intended set isn’t quite finished, these two were the perfect addition. We are able to rest them on the ledge of the board or in the basket that houses the unused felt pieces. Charlotte enjoys buzzing them around the room stopping to visit each flower and person nearby.

I love the tangible aspect of felt boards and the vocabulary opportunities it provides. I love that I can create felt pieces to accompany almost any skill or topic. This allows me to rotate resources to keep the kids visiting frequently. It has also been somewhat of a creative outlet for myself. Since our board is hung on the wall we get the added benefits of vertical play. If you are not familiar with what vertical play is and all of the benefits check out our Vertical Play post. You can read all about it here

If you are interested in making your own felt board check out our DIY Felt Board Post here for step by step directions. I was shocked at how simple and cost efficient it could be. 

We would love to see your felt play! Share your successes with the community below or tag us on Instagram @playbeyondthelines!

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