Making a Pumping Heart Model


Pumping Heart Model

This hands on model is a great representation of how the heart works.


Making this model we learned that our blood carries oxygen throughout the body. It must travel in one direction to accomplish this. Blood travels to the heart through an atrium chamber. The chambers fill with blood then squeeze to pump the blood out. The blood travels out through a ventricle chamber and valves prevent the blood from moving backward. The heart has four chambers in total. This model is representative of one chamber.


  • JAR


  • 2 STRAWS





  • TAPE

  • A SHARP-END (toothpick, needle, etc)



  1. Fill the jar ½-¾ of the way with water. Add red food coloring and stir.

  2. Tie the end of the balloon and cut the end off. 

  3. The tied end will be used to cover and seal the end of a straw. Place it over one end of the straw and secure with tape.

  4. Stretch the other end of the balloon over the mouth of the jar. I secured with a rubber band but if it is a tight fit then you may not have to secure it. 

  5. Use a sharp-end to poke two holes in the balloon that is stretched over the mouth of the jar. 

  6. Push the straws through the small holes. You don’t want air to escape from the sides of the straw. 

  7. To operate, press down by pumping on the balloon between the two straws. The “blood” will be pumped out of the jar through the open “valve.” You may want to pump the model over a tray or outdoors to contain the mess.  

Extend your learning by reading about our amazing bodies and all they can do. Adding hands-on models and interactive components will bring the learning to life. We will be adding more hands-on activities to explore the human body. Be sure to be on look out for them as you won’t want to miss out!

The perfect compliment to the pumping heart model is an interactive sensory tray taking a closer look at our blood. Check out all of the details here. We would love to hear about your experience making the model or tag us on Instagram, @playbeyondthelines!

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